Is There A Herbal Treatment For Tinnitus

Any herbal product is meaningless if it has not been subjected to laboratory and medical studies, and conversion for pharmaceutical purposes. Moreover, such a product may cause serious health risks when used unconsciously. It has been reported that many plants are recommended unconsciously by incompetent people. Such practices are lack of scientific basis and have no therapeutic value. Many of our patients come to us after trying something that has no therapeutic value, due to their desperation. For example, inserting garlic or onion into the ear has no value. Moreover, such applications may cause serious damage to the external auditory canal or eardrum, in addition to tinnitus. Applications such as hacamat (removing dark, coagulated blood from under the skin) and the use of leech have no therapeutic effect on tinnitus. In such cases of tinnitus, a pseudo-healing (called placebo effect) that has no medical value occurs to a very small extent. Unlike the results of real treatments, this pseudo-healing is temporary. The person psychologically thinks and believes that he/she is well. However, there is actually no healing, and the tinnitus recurs with the same severity. Sometimes people get so carried away with this pseudo-healing that they have this procedure repeated many times. This is a vicious cycle. Unfortunately, some of our patients had already tried such rudimentary applications but had gained no result before consulting us.
In America, Spain and some other countries, such herbal products are examined in advanced research laboratories within the structure of complementary medicine departments of medical faculties. Herbal treatments may cause many problems that can adversely affect the body's functions and systems, if they are carried out before subjected to serious research, and before their results are known. Many people who have no medical qualification or who are not specialized in this area carry out such procedures in an unconscious manner. At times, you often hear about media reports that mention about people who have caused liver, kidney, or organ failure. Nowadays, more than twenty plants useful in the treatment of tinnitus have been identified in these research laboratories. In consequence of long-term studies and trials, such plants are turned into herbal medicines, which are non-toxic and harmless to the body. Keep in mind the fact that trying all kinds of product on your body with the hope of remedy may lead to non-recoverable damages. There is no herbal treatment procedure intended for such a disease, neither in our medical history nor in the history of Ottoman medicine, which has come until today.