r-Tms (Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) in the treatment of tinnitus

New Technology in the Treatment of Tinnitus, r-Tms (Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)
The r-TMS device of tinnitus is increasingly being published today in the treatment of tinnitus. Tinnitus therapies are also recommended with positive results in medical scientific studies.
rTMS applications are used in the fields of neurology and psychiatry. In recent scientific studies, it is reported that it provides success in Tinnitus. This application device is available in our clinic. With our treatment devices in our clinic, tinnitus treatment success rates can reach 65-70%. Compared to other classical treatment methods, the success rate of the old classical methods is between 1-5%.
rTMS treatment It is a medical treatment method, not an alternative treatment. It has been reported in scientific studies that it can be used safely without side effects.
Our professional team in our clinic is not limited to rTMS device treatments. He also applies different treatments. As the pioneer of the newly developed advanced methods in tinnitus, we make therapies in accordance with the findings of the person.
In tinnitus treatments, detailed examinations should be made to the person. With detailed examinations, the causes of tinnitus can be reached. If the causes are not reached, it is difficult to get results in the treatments. This is a problem for the doctor and the patient.
New examination methods in tinnitus are now very different from the usual methods.
While investigating the causes of tinnitus, the auditory pathways should be looked at and investigated as a whole. The auditory pathways are the sensory receptors in the inner ear, the nerve cells that provide the transmission, the neuron fibers, and the auditory center and storage area in the brain that analyzes the inputs from the ear. The activities of the frontal lobes, which are psychic areas in the brain, should be analyzed in detail with detailed examinations.
Devices in our clinic that we use during the examination phases;
mulltifrekans 3-D wideband tympanometry / 3-D acoustic reflex tests, Eustachian tube function test, High frequency audiogram test, Character, frequency, decibel detection of tinnitus with Tinnometer level test, radiological imaging process Cellular level multi-parametric functional MRI .
If it accompanies vertigo with tinnitus; from vestibular examinations; It can be applied in additional examinations such as VHİT (video head impulse test), FHİT (functional Head Impulse Test), static posturagraphy, vitual reality (virtual reality).
With all these studies, there is a chance to detect the problem area clearly. In line with the results and findings, the appropriate treatment protocol is planned. Recent developments in the world now recommend the use of FMRI examinations instead of classical MR examinations.
Tinnitus should not be taken lightly and a detailed study should be done. Incomplete diagnosis and approach reduce the success of treatment.
Classical old drug treatments applied in tinnitus do not provide sufficient success. After a while, the patient despairs because of the failure in treatment and gets tired of using drugs.
We witness that some ENT and other branch physicians start treatment without doing enough research, that is, without objectively finding the true cause of tinnitus. It is almost impossible to achieve success with treatments that are not directed to the cause and treatments that are not suitable for the examination results of the person. Before the treatment, we reach the cause of tinnitus and problematic areas with new examinations. Thus, the chance of success in treatments increases after the diagnosis is reached. We apply the rTMS treatment included in our applications according to the results of the findings.
For the treatment of resistant conditions and diseases such as tinnitus, extensive studies are carried out by allocating large budgets in the world. As a result of a research that has been going on for many years, the r-TMS treatment method, which is a new discovery of recent years, has been discovered. This treatment, which is
easy to apply and has no side effects, is also safely applied in patients who are at risk of using drugs, such as pregnant, liver and kidney failure.
rTMS devices work on the basis of magnetic field as a working principle. r-TMS stimuli have regulatory effects on all auditory pathways and nerve cells with impaired activity in the associated brain region. It transmits a current in the ear region and in the areas of the brain that have lost their activity or are impaired. The electrical activities created by this magnetic current perform two processes, one of which is hyperpolarized, that is, the potentials of the accumulated cellular nerve cells that cannot transmit the electrical charge to the other cell are discharged by a process called depolarization. The electrical accumulation and pooling of these irregularly functioning and conductive disconnected cells is one of the main causes of neurodegenerative tinnitus. In addition, more importantly, rTMS stimulations in cells that do not have disconnected, disordered, degenerated nerve electrical transmissions, re-form healthy functional neural networks, regulate the functioning of the deteriorated cells and reactivate them. It is called neuroplasticity and axonal sprouting in medicine. The validity of r-TMS treatment has been tested in clinical trials and medical studies in many ways. There are many medical articles published in the world's important medical journals on this subject. It has been included in medical books as a form of treatment in the world.
The chance of success of TMS treatment has been accepted as a new technological development in scientific circles where high success has been achieved today. Although it varies from person to person, the treatment rate reaches 65-70%.
rTMS treatments for tinnitus are the latest and newly developed method. Today, it is one of the only treatments that can achieve high success rates in terms of superiority on a device basis.