Tinnitus Treatment

Our Approach to Tinnitus and Our Treatment Principles
Unconscious approaches to the treatment of tinnitus and non-medical practices do not result in healing.
New Procedures ‘’R-Tms’’ İn Tinnitus Treatment
With the latest medical treatments, new procedures have been included in the treatment of tinnitus.
What kinds of treatments are available for tinnitus?
Older classical therapies are barely helpful in tinnitus treatment. Patients usually try these limited classical treatments and use different treatment…
R-Tms And Tdcs İn Tinnitus Treatment (Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation)
It is one of the newest treatment procedures. This device has been commonly used in respected medical faculties in the…
What Are The Causes Of Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is just like fingerprints. Even if the causes of tinnitus are listed under main headings, relevant findings vary from…
r-Tms (Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) in the treatment of tinnitus
The r-TMS device of tinnitus is increasingly being published today in the treatment of tinnitus. Tinnitus therapies are also recommended…
Who Are At Hıgh Rısk Of Tınnıtus ?
Although tinnitus may occur in any time because of any reason, there are some groups more vulnerable. Below are some…
Incıdence Of Tınnıtus In Socıety
Hundred of thousands people suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ears) in our country.
Calcification and Tinnitus
Otosclerosis and cochlear sclerosis, named as ear calcification, originate from two main points.
The coronavirus has caused a significant increase in anxiety worldwide. With endless lockdowns, cancellations, travel restrictions, and rapidly rising unemployment,…
Dynamic sounds that appear as a crackling, popping, rattling, or noise in the ear
The crackling or popping sounds in the ear, which are pathological in nature, are conditions that have multiple causes and…
Ear Infection and Tinnitus
If your ear infection is recent, that is, if you do not have a chronic condition, it may be accompanied…
Associated Situations with Tinnitus
Tinnitus not only affects the person himself, but the effects go far beyond. Co-workers, family members and friends of a…
The place of the FMRI examination in the tinnitus
With detailed advanced tests, the cause of the person's tinnitus can be identified in advance.
Tinnitus Healing and Our Approaches
Most of the questions we have received from tinnitus patients is about how well the treatments work.
Tinnitus İn Acoustic Trauma
Time is important for the occurrence of damage to the auditory system due to acoustic traumas.
Tinnitus in Children
The most comprehensive research for tinnitus in children was carried out on 15199 children in Poland.
Tinnitus in Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL) is characterized by a sudden loss of hearing that occurs to a noticeable extent.
Vascular Disorders and Tinnitus
Tinnitus can also be caused by blood vessel diseases. There are generally two forms of tinnitus in this type.

Is There A Herbal Treatment For Tinnitus
Any herbal product is meaningless if it has not been subjected to laboratory and medical studies, and conversion for pharmaceutical…