Who Are At Hıgh Rısk Of Tınnıtus ?

Although tinnitus may occur in any time because of any reason, there are some groups more vulnerable. Below are some groups that are particularly at risk for tinnitus.
Aged people; Age-related hearing loss tends to accelerate after 60 years. Also, as they get older, people tend to have tinnitus. Researches show that roughly 30% of the elderly people experience tinnitus symptoms.
Active Military Personnel, Police and Veterans; Tinnitus is a big (and growing) problem for military personnel. Exposure to firearms, explosives and loud machines increase the risk of noise-related hearing loss and subsequent tinnitus in the ear for active military personnel. Noise-related hearing loss and subsequent tinnitus might last for whole life. Tinnitus is of the leading disabilities in the United States. 9.7% of all disability classes receive disability compensation. According to the 2012 figures, about 972,000 veterans are provided with disability compensation for tinnitus by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. The total annual cost of disability payments is approximately $ 1.5 billion. The expenses of medical examinations and treatments provided to patients for tinnitus increase the expenditures much more.
Among the sade bombing attacks we experience in our country nowadays; citizens who were exposed to bombing sounds closely, our warring soldiers and police also have the risk of tinnitus and/or hearing loss. Tinnitus problems that occur in these cases will become more debatable in the coming years.
Employees in loud workplace environments; Noise-related hearing loss has become one of the most common occupational health problems in America. This is not different in our country also. It is a fact that hearing health and hygiene are not adequately provided. Workers engaged in agriculture, mining, construction, manufacturing and transport are at particular risk due to their loud working environment. However, tinnitus can be a major problem in any workplace.
Musicians and Music lovers; Professional musicians who make music with loud, powered instruments and are constantly loud in their business lives are at risk for tinnitus. (Many celebrated musicians also accept this fact.) Music enthusiasts are also in danger. Because listening loud music at live concerts or during recording can contribute to noise-related hearing loss.
Motor sports and hunting enthusiasts; Those who are engaged in loud motor sports, high horsepower and loud motorcycle drivers, and who are exposed to repeated gunshot sounds are among risky groups for tinnitus.
People with Behavioural Health Problems; Patients with depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder may particularly tend to have severe tinnitus. These behavioural health problems usually do not cause tinnitus themselves, but increase the severity of tinnitus. Thay might be a triggering element for tinnitus, ready to be revealed.